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  International Advisory Council



International Advisory Council of AUST

List of Members

(Reconstituted in January 2021)

Professor Dr. M.S.J. Hashmi, Ph.D, DSc, C Eng, FIEI, FI Mech E               

Emeritus Professor

School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering      

Dublin City University (www.dcu.ie)

Dublin 9

Republic of Ireland

E-mail: [email protected]

(Former Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dublin City University,

Ex. Professor, Sheffield University,

Editor-in-Chief, Elsevier Materials Processing Technologies,

Editor-in-Chief, Elsevier Module in Materials Science)

Professor Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman

Founding Director                                       

Advance Research Institute,

Joseph Loring Professor of Electrical Engineering

Virginia Tech University, USA

Ex. Vice President, IEEE,

President Designate


E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Zubair Md. Fadlullah                                           

Research Chair, Thunder Bay Health Research Institute

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

Lakehead University

955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay

O N P7B 5E1, Ontario, Canada

E-mail: [email protected]

Professor Dr. M. Abdul Quaddus                                                 


School of Marketing

Former Director, Curtin Business School,

Curtin University

Perth, Australia

E-mail: [email protected],

Tel: +61892662862

Professor Dr. AK Waizuddin Ahmed        

Professor, Dept. of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering.
Former Director, Concordia Centre for Advance Vehicle Engineering.
Concordia University.
Room: EV 4.127
1455 Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8

E-mail: [email protected],

Tel: 5148482424, Ex 7932

Prof. Dr. Peter Hasle


Global Sustainable Production

Department of Technology and Innovation

University of South Denmark

Odense M, DK – 5230


E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Md. Raisuddin Khan


Department of Mechatronics Engineering

International Islamic University Malaysia

Jalan Gombak

Kuala Lumpur 53100


Email: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Engr. M. Abdul Awal

Professor (Adj)

Department of Computer Security Technology, State University, New York

Department of Electrical Engineering, City College of New York, CUNY

Department of EE Technology, NYC College of Technology, CUNY

Former: Prof. of CSE, Talibah University, Madinah, KSA

Member, Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories of AT & T and

Lucent Tech, New Jersey, USA (Senior Scientist)

Prof. (Adj.) of Engineering Technology, FSC of SUNY

Faculty of Dept. ECE Polytechnic Inst. NY

Faculty of Electrical Eng. Bradford University, UK


Email: [email protected]


Former: Advisor and IT Consultant (In Bangladesh)

ICT Sector, World Bank

Submarine Cable Network, BTTB

Ministry of Telecom & ICT (BTRC, BTCL, BCC)

Police & RAB Computerization

National ID & MRP System

Digital Land & Tax Management System

E-Judiciary of Supreme Court

IT Institute, Dhaka University

Cell: 8801711535160 (BD)



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